Lions Sight and Hearing Program

As a service activity, the committee members volunteer their time and expertise to conduct essential hearing and vision screening services for local pre-schools, ensuring early detection of potential issues and promoting the well-being of young children in the community. Additionally, the committee extends its support to individuals in need by providing free eyeglasses and hearing aids to those who cannot afford to purchase them, enhancing their quality of life and fostering a more inclusive society.

As part of their service efforts, the committee actively collects and distributes eyeglasses and hearing aids to areas where they are most needed, bridging the gap and ensuring accessibility to these essential resources for disadvantaged individuals, promoting equity and compassion within the community. Furthermore, the dedicated transporters play a crucial role by facilitating the delicate process of picking up and delivering corneas for transplanting, contributing to the gift of sight and saving lives through the selfless act of organ donation.

Assistance Criteria →

Application for Vision Assistance →

Application for Hearing Assistance →

Online Application →

Recycling Dropoff Locations →

Email our committee → →

Vision Photo Hearing Photo Lions Logo